A list of books, films, and other resources about the history and culture of the Marshall Islands.
Marshallese language
Peter Rudiak-Gould’s Practical Marshallese is a handbook for learning the Marshallese language. It was written for the volunteers of the WorldTeach Marshall Islands programme, and can be freely distributed in any form, but not sold or used for financial gain. Lessons include ‘Hunting for crabs, looking for shells (The ka- prefix)’ and ‘To the ocean, to the lagoon (More about directionals)’. Download Practical Marshallese: https://www.map.llc.ed.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Practical-Marshallese.pdf.
The Digital Atlas of Micronesia
‘The foremost source of maps and geospatial information for the Federated States of Micronesia’, created by the Island Research and Education Initiative and the Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific: http://islandatlas.org/#/.
Marshallese literature and oral culture
Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, Iep Jaltok: Poems from a Marshallese Daughter (University of Arizona Press, 2017). Available from the University of Arizona Press: https://uapress.arizona.edu/book/iep-jaltok.
Daniel A. Kelin, Marshall Islands Legends and Stories (2003). Preview available on Google Books: https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Marshall_Islands_Legends_and_Stories.html?id=RGFywPZj8h0C&redir_esc=y.
Jack A. Tobin, Stories from the Marshall Islands (University of Hawaii Press, 2002). Available from the University of Hawaii Press: http://www.uhpress.hawaii.edu/p-9780824820190.aspx. Preview available on Google Books: https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Stories_from_the_Marshall_Islands.html?id=yUSHbrkbYSwC&redir_esc=y
Books on the history and culture of the Marshall Islands
Jane Dibblin, Day of Two Suns: U.S. Nuclear Testing and the Pacific Islanders (New Amsterdam Books, 1988). Available new, used, and as an-ebook on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Day-Two-Suns-Nuclear-Islanders/dp/0941533832.
Pacific Women Speak Out for Independence and Denuclearisation, edited by Zohl de Ishtar (The Raven Press, 1998). Available used on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Pacific-women-speak-independence-denuclearisation/dp/0473056666.
Giff Johnson, Don’t Ever Whisper: Darlene Keju, Public Health Pioneer, Champion for Nuclear Survivors (Createspace, 2013). Available new, used, and as an e-book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Dont-Ever-Whisper-Giff-Johnson/dp/1489509062.
Jack Niedenthal, For the Good of Mankind: A History of the People of Bikini and Their Islands (Bravo, 2001).
Munro Te Whata’s ‘History Project’ (2016): https://www.map.llc.ed.ac.uk/comics/history-project/.
Solomon Enos’s graphic novel The Sailmaker (2018): LINK.